
The Estonian Design House brought a groundbreaking fashion performance to New York City. This immersive show featured the creations of 15 Estonian designers, presented in a dynamic performance by genuine New Yorkers, showcasing a fresh perspective on sustainable fashion.
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We’re thrilled to continue our collaboration with the PÖFF (Black Nights Film Festival) team, where sustainability meets cinematic art.
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Reet Aus'i meeskond on põnevil, et teatada oma peatsest nädalast New Yorgis, kus tutvustame Eesti disaini paremikku!
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Anname elevusega teada, et oleme liitunud Ühinenud Rahvaste Organisatsiooni (ÜRO) Fashion and Lifesytle võrgustikuga.
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We’re excited to announce that we’re heading back to New York for an extraordinary week of fashion and sustainability during New York Fashion Week (NYFW). From September 12-14, we will be part of The Canvas x Estonian Design House collaboration,...
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