We’ve been rethinking and evaluating our business model. This has caused changes. We swiped retailers out from our pipeline. Read more why we did it?
As you all know, our main focus is on upcycling – globally and locally. However, we also recycle on a smaller scale, to help tackle the blight of textile waste in every way possible. Many people don’t know the difference...
If we continue our current consumption habits, by 2050 we will be consuming as if there were three planets. And what’s more scary is that annual waste generation is projected to increase by 70% by 2050. All of this is...
The EU has set a goal to send all textile waste back into Europe-generated circulation by 2025. But how should it be done and what are the potential solutions? Currently, many countries don’t do any form of waste reappropriation. Estonia...
Seit einigen Monaten haben wir unser Geschäftsmodell überdacht und evaluiert. Zunächst erschien uns der Gedanke an radikale Transparenz ein wenig beängstigend, aber um vollkommen ehrlich und offen zu sein, wussten wir, dass wir diesen Schritt vollziehen mussten. Radikale Transparenz ist...