Underwear. It’s personal.

When you open your underwear drawer, what do you see? Underwear and bras arranged by colour? Or complete and utter chaos? Are there “just about enough” things, or so much so that once the drawer has been pulled open, re-closing it takes an inhumane effort? Or maybe you're wondering why am I asking about your underwear? It’s a personal matter!
And rightly so. You don't really have to answer me, because indeed - underwear is a personal business. At least it seems so, because there are generally far fewer people who see it than there are those who praise you for a new coat or dress. And that's exactly what we're talking about today - personal underwear. Or what makes underwear personal.
Reet Aus' first underwear collection is the first of its kind in the entire world. Why? Because Reet Aus’ underwear is made from the leftovers of the clothing industry. Let's repeat: the raw material is industrial fabric that would otherwise go to waste. The underwear itself is still brand new.
To our knowledge, this has never been done before, but based on the upcycling philosophy that is in the heart of our brand, and considering that in producing underwear, we can make good use of smaller pieces of fabric that would otherwise just be left over and discarded, we decided it was high time we started.
Our goal was to create underwear that is indeed truthful and honest. (By the way – when you translate Reet’s last name – Aus – then you’ll find out that it means “honest” in Estonian!) Truthful to you and to your world. - Underwear that would leave as little footprint on our planet as possible and at the same time, would support your body exactly as needed.
Reet Aus' first underwear collection is soft. Yes, soft. A bra or bralette, to be more precise, just as well as all the other products like men’s and women’s underpants and undershirts, are designed to adapt to the shape of your body. They don’t resemble mediaeval armour in any way, and they don’t try to push your body into unnatural shapes.
There is a connection between the two. We perceive the world through our bodies. It's natural. But if we do not feel well in our body, of course, it is difficult to feel well in the world and to treat it with the same naturalness. And so, we keep trying to push ourselves and our world into unnatural forms.
Yes, when you look at Reet Aus' underwear collection, you see something completely different than the models dipped in feathers and diamonds that walk the catwalks of Victoria's Secrets. And that's exactly how it should be, because underwear is no secret to us. Honestly, it's a matter of convenience and being true to one’s own body, not secrecy.
And based on these thoughts, we decided that the photos introducing our first underwear collection should be created by a London-based creative duo, named (2006), of Gretchen Lawrence (formerly Regret) from Tallinn and Coumba Samba, an artist with Senegalese roots from New York. The world's first upcycled underwear collection met young talented artists of a new generation.
And when you look at these pictures, you see that they were made at the same place where this blog post started - in the bedroom, next to the underwear drawer. In a place where you can always be honest. True to yourself. Where there is no need to hide or show anything. Where you can be yourself. With or without underwear. But truthfully. It’s a personal collection. Personal for everyone.